Kinoko Otoko

"Because there's a need to be random."

Read for the need of painted toadstools

Read about the dangers of buttered toast

Read for the wise sayings of the Donuttm

Articles YOU need to read and know.

Random things. Why? Well, Why not?

Updates to the site of Kinoko Otoko

Pictures that Kinoko Otoko has deemed necessary.

Kinoko Otoko has his own font. Interested? Find it here. Note: Entire site now compatible with this font, in other words, you can view this entire site with this font, and if you don't have it or don't want to download it, you can still read it just fine (as you are probably doing now).

Kinoko Otoko has changed the background music. Sorry, but, as of 9:56 PM EST on April 18, 2003, the polls were closed, and the votes tallied. Check the updates section for more on this.

And so it is, friends, that Kinoko Otoko said, "Let the people be informed." and they were. And he saw this was good, and so he took a nap.

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