That's right, Kinoko Otoko has created a font, for you random people. Interested?
For Windows Users, download here.(v1.5)
For Mac Users, download here.(v1.5)
To install:
(Windows Users) Goto Control Panel, Fonts (XP users switch to Classic View if not already in it), then to goto File, Install New Font, search for where you downloaded it, find the font in the top box, and click ok, (or save, install, open, or any of those buttons). Alternately, you can copy and paste the font file into the Font folder in the Windows Folder on the C: Drive.
(Mac OS X Users)In the Finder, locate where you downloaded the font file, (should end in .dfont), then select the file, and drag and drop it into the Fonts folder in the Library folder. Note: If you want the font to be usable in Classic Mode, be sure to drag and drop the file into the Fonts folder inside the Classic System Folder.
Hint: After downloading, look at this page to see what the font looks like.
Note: The above download is for the newest updated font. If you have an older font, which was released before this one, then I suggest you download this one, uninstall the old one, and install this new one. If you want a copy of the old one, email me.
*Note*-This font is provided free of charge, and thus, you may use it as much as you wish. You may distribute the font to anyone, providing that a fee is never charged for it. If anything, please give me credit for the creation of it.