Because there's a need to be random...

Yoda vs. Master Roshi

Upon the Plane of Conceived Perception, Kinoko Otoko refereed the first of several battles between characters from the Star Wars universe and the Dragonball Z universe. The first of these battles was between two of the older characters: Yoda, who was previously in a battle with Ifrit which was ruled a tie, and Master Roshi. Their encounter occurred as follows..

On the Battlefield...err...Plane of Conceived Perception (referred to as Battle Plane throughout the battles), Yoda and Master Roshi appeared, both having been given a quick briefing about the rules, etc., by Kinoko Otoko. After he took his place in a platform hovering above the surface of the Plane, he looked down upon the two contestants. "You have been told the basic rules before the match began..however, there is one final rule. I have the final judgement as to who wins, who loses, and whether or not there is a tie." He focused on Yoda as he added, "Any disputes will be settled by me, in a violent matter!". Yoda grumbled under his breath, but meditated briefly in order to focus on the Force. Soon he was in tune with it, and he opened his eyes. Master Roshi scratched the back of his head, then chuckled to himself, just as Kinoko Otoko announced, "Let the battle..BEGIN!". Yoda drew his lightsaber and prepared himself for the fight, focusing on Master Roshi, who started the fight by pulling out one of his infamous magazines and sitting down to read it. Yoda waited for a moment, sensing a trick, but noticed his opponent wasn't going to fight. "A fear of fighting Yoda, I sense. He realizes Yoda will win this round for sure, perhaps." Master Roshi yawned and continued to read, seemingly unaware of the fight that was going on. Yoda decided to try and get Master Roshi's attention, and by using the force, pulled the magazine from Master Roshi's hands. He jumped forward and slashed it, leaving a pile of burned ashes on the ground. "Hey! I was reading that!" yelled Roshi angrily, as he jumped to his feet. "A mere distraction, it was." replied Yoda. "Also an influence of the Dark Side, such things are." "Ehh? What the heck is the Dark Side, green fella?" "Hard to see, the Dark Side is..." began Yoda, but a sudden glare from Kinoko Otoko reminded Yoda that he'd better focus on the fight again. As he advanced towards Master Roshi, he was taken by surprise. There appeared to be five of Roshi standing around him. Not knowing what was happening, he swung with his lightsaber at two in front of him, realizing that they were after-images when they disappeared. Suddenly, Master Roshi was behind him, powering up for a Kamehameha. Yoda drew power from his mastery of the force, jumping 30 feet into the air, while at the same time pushing Roshi back several feet. Roshi sat dazed on the ground, rubbing his head, while Yoda waited, lightsaber in hand. Roshi stood up, and seemed to begin mumbling to himself. "Speak louder, you must" said Yoda. Roshi mumbled louder again, making several strange movements with his hands. Suddenly, Yoda got the idea that Roshi was trying to put him into a deep sleep with a strange technique, and jumped forward to slash at Roshi. Roshi sidestepped the slash, but began to act odd, wobbling around and mumbling again. Yoda stopped, scratching his head, puzzled by Roshi's actions. Seeing Yoda's guard was down, Roshi unleashed several punches on Yoda, then used a Kamehameha attack on him, launching Yoda back several hundred feet. Yoda laid on the ground, motionless, for what seemed like a minute. Kinoko Otoko jumped down to the surface of the Plane, while Roshi chuckled to himself. Yoda attempted to stand up, drawing his lightsaber, but became disorientated and sat back down. Kinoko Otoko watched as Yoda stood up, with the help of a cane he brandished from seemingly nowhere, and began to run quickly, which looked awkward as every few seconds, Yoda had to slow a bit to steady himself with his cane. Soon he stopped within 20 feet of Roshi, and using the Force, hurled his lightsaber towards Roshi. Roshi jumped several feet in the air, and using a simple Ki Blast, deflected the lightsaber enough to have it miss him. Yoda brought it back to him, just in time to face another Kamehameha attack by Roshi, effectively knocking Yoda unconscious. Kinoko Otoko stood for a moment, watching Yoda, then raised his hand in the air and announced: "The winner of this Master Roshi!" Master Roshi celebrated and laughed tauntingly at the unconscious Yoda before being immediately transported back to his home, where he enjoyed another of his..magazines... Yoda was awakened suddenly, as Kinoko Otoko hit him a few times with the flat side of his Kabi Katana, and was transported back to Coruscant, where he tried to put his defeat behind him as he continued to train young Jedi Padawan. Kinoko Otoko left the plane, returning with the next two contestants...

So ends the first sure to check the Schedule page for links to more battles, when they appear.