Because there's a need to be random...

Luke Skywalker vs. Goku

In the final battle of the "Tournament", Kinoko Otoko returned to the Battle Plane. With him, he brought the two "heroes" of the teams: Luke Skywalker and Goku. Recorded below is the official account of that final battle that ruled who would be given the victory, and who would be shamed with defeat.

Ascending to his referee platform for the final time during these battles, Kinoko Otoko said, "Since this is the Final Battle, the rules will be changed slightly. Each of you will still be able to use your normal attacks, weapons, etc. However, there will be additions to this battle, to make it more...interesting." "What?!? I thought these battles were strictly 1 on 1 matches, with fighter against fighter!" exclaimed Luke. "Correction: The first 6 battles were in that manner...when contestants followed the rules. However, as I enjoy being entertained, you will find that periodically, something interesting will be added to your battle, even momentarily, to add to the tension you will be feeling." "Hey! This isn't anything like what you told us to expect!" protested Goku, angry at the deception. "Heh heh. When will you learn? I am Kinoko Otoko. In these matches, you fight by my rules. There are no arguments." explained Kinoko Otoko, smiling. "Now then, you will be given the standard few minutes to prepare," added Kinoko. " matter what is thrown at me, I will defeat you," promised Luke Skywalker, activating his lightsaber. "Listen..I don't really want to fight you, but if this is what I have to do to win this, I will!" exclaimed Goku. " seems that the two of you are well prepared. Now allow me to show you how the battle will be exciting," said Kinoko Otoko, walking to the center of his referee platform. In the center stood a box-like structure, which after pressing a button on it, was revealed to be some sort of control console. "I had the attendants install this earlier. As you can see, there is an array of buttons here, each can be used to bring different things into the Plane, where you will have to deal with them." "Hey! It sounds like you're trying to cheat us out of a victory!" accused Goku. "Nonsense, I'm only trying to..level the playing field...a bit," assured Kinoko. Seeing that both fighters were fairly prepared, Kinoko Otoko announced: "Let the Final Battle...BEGIN!" Almost before Kinoko had finished announcing, Luke ran at Goku, and with the quickness of a Jedi, he unleashed his lightsaber, slashing many times. When he finished, he looked at Goku, only to realize that he had disappeared. Confused, he turned around to see that there were several copies of Goku, standing in a circle around him. With a sudden burst of energy, he swung his lightsaber in a circle, slashing each after-image, and eventually hitting the real Goku in his left leg, causing him to yelp with pain. Flying up into the air, Goku charged up and fired several large Ki blasts. Blocking some of them, Luke attempted to jump out of the way and dodge, but was hit in the side by a few. Crouching on the ground, he used the Force to propel him into the air, where he continued to try and slash Goku. Successfully hitting him in the left leg again, Luke managed to cause Goku to fall to the ground, holding his left leg, then slowly standing up. At this point, Kinoko Otoko pressed a button on his control console, causing a strange whining noise to sound through the Battle Plane. Suddenly, Vegeta appeared standing beside Goku. "Vegeta?!?" cried Goku, not knowing what was going on. "Come now, Kakarot, we must defeat him," said Vegeta. Both of them powering up, Goku and Vegeta launched two powerful Ki blasts. Attempting to deflect them, Luke held up his lightsaber, slightly deflecting one, but being hit fully by the other. Kinoko Otoko pressed the button again, causing Vegeta to be sent back. As Goku walked over to Luke, he noticed that the Jedi didn't move. Thinking the victory was acheived that easily, Goku prepared to celebrate. A sudden lightsaber attack nearly took out his right leg, causing him to fall to the ground. Luke Skywalker stood up, wincing slightly, and prepared to deal a final blow. Goku flew into the air, realizing that he would be too vulnerable on the ground. As he flew in somewhat of a circle above Luke, firing Ki blasts, Luke jumped back and forth, tapping into the Force, and deflected some, getting hit by others. Suddenly, the whining noise sounded again, and Han Solo appeared beside Luke. "Luke, I'll try to knock him out of the air, you finish him off." With that, Solo unleashed a series of shots from his blaster, eventually managing to hit Goku, causing him to fall. At the last minute, he managed to teleport, appearing behind Luke, and delivering a strong punch, which knocked Luke several feet forward. As another button was pressed, Han Solo was sent back, and once again, Goku felt that he was going to triumph. With a strong surge of the Force, and tapping slightly into the Dark Side as a result of his rage, Luke jumped from the ground, and knocked Goku into referee platform. The recently repaired piece fell to the ground, as a result of the bad workmanship, taking Goku with it. "That's IT! I am sick of you not listening to me. I will deal with this problem once and for all!" yelled Kinoko Otoko. Slamming a button on the console, a Super Battle Droid appeared from thin air, aiming its weapons at the two fighters. "I had it tweaked..a bit. It will now operate with a bit more intelligence than the usual type, and is slightly more capable of enduring damage" explained Kinoko Otoko, with a laugh, pressing another button. Suddenly, the Droid lurched forward, marching towards the fighters, laser cannon firing. As Goku stood up, he was momentarily shocked by the power of the Droid, before he managed to limp backwards, trying to stay out of its range. Jumping backwards, Luke tried to block the laser shots, but realized he couldn't keep it up. Running towards Goku, he attempted to use the Force in order to knock the Droid backwards, incapacitating it, but fear clouded his mind. Shooting a Kamehameha attack, Goku managed to knock the Droid slightly, but it refocused its cannon and continued fighting. A laser blast ripped into Luke's left arm, causing him to stumble and fall from the immense pain. Another blast caught Goku's right shoulder, but he managed to unleash a series of powerful Ki blasts, eventually incapacitating the goliath of a droid. As it fell over with a loud crash, Luke and Goku stood up. Luke managed to limp back a few feet, activating his lightsaber. Goku flew into the air, but not as high, as the blaster fire and laser fire had injured him severely. Angered, Kinoko Otoko pushed a button, causing the Droid to disappear, then he unsheathed his Kabi Katana. "Don't send a Droid to do what you must do yourself," he mumbled under his breath, jumping to the surface. With incredible speed, he jumped several feet into the air, slicing his Kabi Katana into Luke's right shoulder, then swinging it up, slicing both of Goku's ankles. Landing on the ground, Kinoko Otoko said, "These are the consequences you must face when you do not listen to the Mushroom King," before jumping back up to his platform. As Goku fell to the ground, seeming to finally have been beaten. Luke managed to walk over to him, lightsaber in his other hand. "It's just like I told you..the Light Side always triumphs over the Dark." Raising his lightsaber, Luke managed to deal a final blow, but found the lightsaber being knocked out of his hands as Goku, drawing on a final burst of energy before he collapsed, kicked Luke backwards. Powering up a small Spirit Bomb, Goku fired it at Luke, blasting him 20 feet further. Luke, barely able to stand, made a last attempt, hurling himself at Goku with every last bit of energy, stabbing him through the stomach with his lightsaber. Goku, slightly disorientated and not realizing what had happened, could only blink before collapsing backwards. Deactivating his lightsaber, Luke turned to the referee platform to see if Kinoko Otoko was going to declare a victory. Kinoko jumped down from the platform, walked over to Goku, inspecting him, then raised his arm and announced: "The winner of the final round is...not decided! The Round is not over yet!!" With this, Luke began to yell at Kinoko Otoko, but felt the full blast of a Kamehameha hitting him in the back, knocking him into the air. His body landed under the platform. As Goku stood up, Kinoko Otoko checked Luke Skywalker. Raising his hand in the air he announced: "As a result of an instant loss of concsciousness by Luke Skywalker, I declare the victor of the Final Round to be...Goku!! As a result, the Dragonball Z team has achieved total Victory!" With a yell of triumph, Goku was transferred back to Kami's Lookout, where he healed after a Senzu bean and meditation, and went on to fight Buu. Luke Skywalker was transferred back to Endor, where he would eventually go on to meet, and fight, Darth Vader. Kinoko Otoko, having a team of mushrooms come to clean up the Battle Plane, repair the referee platform, and uninstall the control console, left to the Realm, where he enjoyed a large meal, feeling hungry after the entertainment.

Thus, the battles have ended, showing The Dragonball Z team to have achieved victory. Feel free to read past battles on the schedule page, and feel free to send your comments on the battles here.