Because there's a need to be random...

R2-D2 vs. Krillin

Kinoko Otoko returned to the Battle Plane, bringing the next 2 fighters with him. These fighters were the 2 shortest competitors in the "Tournament": Krillin and R2-D2. The following is the official account of Battle 2...

Once they had reached the Plane, Kinoko Otoko allowed the fighters to prepare. After a short discussion of the basic rules, and a strong reminder that he was to make the final judgement, he told them to get ready. Then he ascended to his referee platform above the surface of the Battle Plane, observing that the contestants were ready to go. After a few seconds he announced, "Let the battle...BEGIN!" With that, both fighters began to taunt one another. "Come on, you stupid hunk of metal. You'll never beat me!" yelled Krillin, feeling confident. R2-D2 replied with a series of beeps, which confused Krillin. "What did you just say?" "Beep beep beep, toot beep." "What is that supposed to mean?" R2-D2 rolled slowly towards Krillin, repeating his beeping. "WILL YOU QUIT BEEPING AT ME? WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE SAYING!" yelled Krillin, too distracted with his frustration to realize that R2-D2 had stopped within several feet of him, and was activating his buzzsaw. With a quick rolling "lunge", R2-D2 caught Krillin off-guard, slicing him across the left leg with his buzzsaw. Before Krillin could react, R2-D2 had sliced deeply into his left side as well. Krillin was able to jump back several feet, where after crouching for a few seconds from his wounds, he rose 50 feet into the air, firing several Ki Blasts at R2-D2. R2-D2 dodged a few of the blasts, but the last one hit him, knocking him on his back, and forcing him to waste several seconds righting himself. Seeing R2-D2 vulnerable, Krillin powered up and fired two huge blasts, guiding them toward R2-D2 on the ground. After the large blast, Krillin looked at the ground, seeing a burn mark on the surface of the Plane, but R2-D2 was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, a loud beeping sounded out as R2-D2 used his anti-gravity boosters to fly towards Krillin. Krillin tried to dodge out of the way of R2-D2, but R2-D2 turned quickly and continued to fly at Krillin. Firing a Ki Blast at point blank range in R2-D2's direction, he was taken by surprise as R2-D2 deflected it and activated his arc welder, which he used to severely burn one of Krillin's ankles, causing him to fall to the ground, laying in pain. Severely bleeding and burned, Krillin stood up, stumbling, and tried to jump at R2-D2, who had landed safely on the ground, and was rolling toward him, buzzsaw spinning. Krillin tried to fire two more huge blasts, but fell backwards from his weakness. R2-D2 reached Krillin as he was laying on the ground, and began to saw into his right leg. With a sudden burst of energy, Krillin managed to kick R2-D2 hard, which knocked him back several feet, but he managed to stay upright. This gave Krillin enough time to regain his strength, and he stood up. R2-D2 beeped in celebration, feeling confident that he was going to win. Suddenly, Krillin began powering up a Destructo Disc, and fired it at R2-D2. R2-D2, thinking it was another blast, rolled slightly to the left, thinking he would deflect it. Suddenly, the Disc sliced R2-D2 in half cleanly. R2-D2 managed to let out a number of loud beeps, but short circuited and fell apart, his head-piece rolling away from the body for a few feet. Krillin, wounded but strong enough to stand, celebrated for a moment, before watching as Kinoko Otoko jumped to the surface. After seeing the obvious amount of damage done to R2-D2, Kinoko raised his hand in the air and announced: "The winner of Round 2 is...Krillin!" With that, Krillin was returned to his home, where after eating a Senzu bean, he became good as new, and continued his battles. Kinoko Otoko walked over to R2-D2, kicked the head back over so that it rested against the body, then shook his head and had R2-D2 sent back to a droid repair shop near Alderaan. With the round ended, Kinoko Otoko once again left the Plane to retrieve the next two contestants.

And thus, the Second Round ends. Thanks to IFRIT, GOD OF FIRE for his assistance with ideas on the battle. Be sure to check the schedule for links to other battles.